Big companies are easy targets for environmental issues. It is easy to whine about how big factories are destroying the planet. Yet we suffer from a condition known as not looking at ourselves enough. Every individual has the same responsibility when it comes to caring for the environment.
There are many ways to help our environment. However, the best way is the doable way. Good plans are nice. Doable plans are good. Plans that you can't follow through are good as nothing.
We tend to get fixated on the scale of our actions. However, size doesn't matter. At the very least, it is not what is most important. What is important is you are doing something. Because if everyone pitches in, even the small things can make a huge impact. Simply, take a look at yourself and find a part of your regular routine that you can change that benefits the environment.
Something as simple as reusing gift boxes can make a significant impact if done collectively. You can use old or used gift boxes in decent condition for gifting or organizing small items like accessories and trinkets. It helps prevent misplacements and the trouble that comes with it.
And when you gift some using gift boxes, you can add it a note to encourage the recipient to do the same, to not throw away the boxes but, rather, keep it for reuse.